#1 Wildlife Removal & Pest Control Services in Orlando, FL | WildOut

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How It All Started

Our mission at Wildout Animal & Pest Removal is to minimize stress for our customers, coworkers, and pests.

In order to accomplish our mission, we humanely remove wildlife conflicts for our customers while communicating clearly and constantly. Constant and clear communication sets unmistakable expectations for both our customers and our employees. We guarantee we will deliver fully on the expectations we set. We will get the wild out.

In addition to minimizing stress on humans, we strive to minimize stress on animals. Being evicted from a place they believe to be their home is certainly a stressful experience. We work to make our removal process as humane as possible in order to keep their stressful experience to a minimum.

We Are Professionals

In order to accomplish our mission, we humanely remove wildlife conflicts for our customers while communicating clearly and constantly. Constant and clear communication sets unmistakable expectations for both our customers and our employees. We guarantee we will deliver fully on the expectations we set. We will get the wild out.

In addition to minimizing stress on humans, we strive to minimize stress on animals. Being evicted from a place they believe to be their home is certainly a stressful experience. We work to make our removal process as humane as possible in order to keep their stressful experience to a minimum.

Brent Shiver


Brent Shiver
Wildout Animal & Pest Removal

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Expert Staff

Wild Animal & Pest Removal

Our Core Values










Our Mission

To Minimize Stress For Our Customers, Coworkers, And Pests.

In order to accomplish our mission, we humanely remove wildlife conflicts for our customers while communicating clearly and constantly. Constant and clear communication sets unmistakable expectations for both our customers and our employees. We guarantee we will deliver fully on the expectations we set. We will get the wild out.

In addition to minimizing stress on humans, we strive to minimize stress on animals. Being evicted from a place they believe to be their home is certainly a stressful experience. We work to make our removal process as humane as possible in order to keep their stressful experience to a minimum.

Our Vision

We Believe We Should Be Able To Live, Work, And Play In A Stress-Free Environment.

We will work daily to reduce stress wherever it arises within our workplace, in our customers’ lives, and in the world around us. Our team will move toward this purpose by staying focused on our mission in our day-to-day activities.

Over 25 + Partner Believed Us

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Our Expert Team

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Brent Shiver

Brent Shiver


Cruz Martinez

Wildlife Specialist

Oren Smith

Oren Smith

Orlando Market Manager

Andy Schrader

Sales Administrator

Jacob Baysinger

Wildlife Specialist

Joe Figueroa

Joe Figueroa

Wildlife Specialist