Our Bee Trapping & Hive Removal Services
Do you need to get rid of bees on your property? Florida is home to approximately 315 species of bees. Each year, millions of bees must find a new home and, unfortunately, your home and property can often be an ideal place for bees to colonize because they are provided with sources of food, water, and shelter. When bees decide to colonize, it could begin with anywhere from a few hundred to a couple thousand swarming on your property. Once they select their location, they do not move and will continue to grow until the mother queen decides to make a second hive and leave the daughter queen to care for the original colony.
Honey bees are particularly possessive about their home. Just standing too close to a colony can result in multiple stings within a matter of seconds. A single bee sting releases an alarm pheromone to alert the colony of the perceived danger and can quickly result in hundreds of stings. The stinger of a bee is located at the end of the abdomen and is barbed so it stays in the skin while pumping in venom from an anatomical feature known as the venom sac. There are a large number of people who can have allergic reactions to bees and other stinging insects. When a bee stings, the venom sac continually pumps out toxins into the body and for someone that is allergic, that can lead to anaphylactic shock which makes it difficult to breathe and can be life-threatening. It is also important to note that allergies can develop over time and exposure. Just because someone who has previously been stung did not have an allergic reaction, that does not mean that the allergic cannot occur with multiple stings.
Our Unique Approach To Bee Trapping & Hive Removal Services
Bees can be removed from a property in a 3-step process:
Swarms of bees are often easily visible but often an established colony may not be as easy to locate and identify. It is vital that we assess the situation to determine the best course of action. Our team of professionals will need to thoroughly inspect the entire property to ensure that there are not multiple colonies on the premises. Bees can often get into a home via the soffit which leads to the attic or a hole in a wall that leads to a larger void. These areas will allow the bees (and other critters) to safely build their colony and can potentially gain access to the living space of the home.
After inspecting the property and finding possible entry points for future colonization, the current bees on property must be safely removed. If the worker bees are removed but the queen bee still remains, the hive will likely be reformed fairly quickly. Thoroughly removing the hive is essential for ensuring they do not re-colonize in another spot on your property. Our team of trained professionals are able to identify a queen bee and make certain that the hive does move elsewhere. After the hive is removed, other possible entry points can be sealed by our team to assist in preventing future issues.
Our bee removal process will eliminate the current colony in the yard and eliminate possible entry points that could lead to bees inside your living space. However, that does not mean that another colony of bees will not decide to build a hive in your yard. Florida is a state that has a temperate climate, is very heavy in precipitation and has a wide variety of flowering plants to provide nectar. This allows several species of bees to thrive. With our bee control program, we offer a quarterly exterior inspection of the property and any hives that begin to form will be eliminated before they grow out of control.